Category: Training

Premier Comedy & Speaker Booking Agency

professional speaker

Get Paid to Speak: A Quick Guide to Becoming a Professional Speaker

As an aspiring public speaker, perhaps you’re wondering what to charge people to hear your words of wisdom. Tony Blair is reputed to be paid £2,000 a minute. How much ambition do you have? You have things to say, but you’re not quite sure how you get to say them in a room full of…
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Business: Re-Energise Conference 2020

Time to Re-Energise! As we enter a new decade, having been worn down by Brexit issues, facing fresh economic challenges. A Business group felt it was time to Re-Energise. Arranging an appropriately titled Business conference with four speakers ready to light the match and send us all into motivational orbit. Stress in Our Lives Psychologist…
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Choosing the Perfect Guest Speaker for Your Event

There were 1.9 million meetings in the year 2016 alone. Out of all those events, how many had a guest speaker that bored the audience to tears? With so many meetings happening per year, you want to make sure that yours is one to remember. You need a brilliant guest speaker that will engage and inspire your audience. With…
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Warwick Davis

Warwick Davis Working With Education (Comicus in the Community)

The Background Nacro Education (Spalding) provides an alternative to college for 16-18 year olds. Students may have struggled at school or attended alternative provision, and some of the students may have had disruption to their studies due to personal issues. Nacro Education Spalding provides a highly supportive educational environment to build confidence in a small…
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Hire a Comedian

10 Comical Tips For Business Presentation Success (Seriously)

Some of the facets of stand up comedy can be used in a business presentation context. Learning from stand ups can help structure and prepare executives for an important business presentation. With these great Tips For Successful Business Presentations, there’s always a little space for some comedy in business. Presentation Tips From Stand Up Comedy Speakers…
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Bob Monkhouse

6 Top Tips On Public Speaking From King Of Corporate Events

Here are six tips and advice for speaking at events, Bob Monkhouse was generous to offer to those that wanted to learn from a master. Bob Monkhouse: The King of Corporate Bob Monkhouse (1928-2003), was often referred to as the king of the corporate event. He was one of Britain’s top comedians for over five…
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Ken Dodd photo_by_matthew_willetts

Ken Dodd: Comedy Masterclass

On November 8th, Ken Dodd turned 90 years old. This master of stand-up comedy has transcended generations of comedians, including cultural changes in entertainment from variety theatre (where he started), to the social & cabaret club scene and the now comedy club circuit. Yet he still applies his art today in often packed-out theatres around…
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Comedy writing- Comicus mood

Professional Writing: Comedy Plots From Real Life

A recent real life event drew my thoughts to how writing comedy plots often takes from real life experiences. It was 4:00am, only six people left in the bar at the Metropole Hilton, after a great ‘Hire a Hero’ event. Time to collect my coat from the bands changing room and home. Entering the area…
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How To Survive The End Of The World - According To Hollywood

8 Tips On How To Survive The End Of The World – According To Hollywood

In the weekend of the Oscars, millions are glued to their screens awaiting the much-coveted awards. Once a film becomes popular, the genre is often copied by others. In recent years, the human race has become more enamoured with the idea of How To Survive The End Of The World. Survive The End Of The…
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sussex-chamber-of-commerce The Eagle, Business Leaders Conference

Chamber of Commerce 2nd Business Leaders Conference: Sign of the times? Or just sad?

The Chamber of Commerce produced their second Business Leaders Conference with a nicely diversified team of speakers, each addressing different issues in the world of commerce, keeping their audience informed and entertained. Commerce Business Leaders Conference The event was compered by Laurence Elphick who as well as being a Chamber board member, has just been…
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Humour At Work #5 – Office Comedy Case Study

Humour At Work #5 – Office Comedy Case Study

Southwest Airlines president & CEO, Herbert D. Kelleher was dubbed by Fortune Magazine as the ‘High Priest of Ha Ha’. His beliefs and attitude has spread right through the company; showing how Office Comedy can enhance staff-management relations, customer service and profits. Office Comedy Case Study This highly effective airline operates from Dallas, in an…
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Humour At Work #4 – Fun in the Office Practitioners

Humour At Work #4 – Fun in the Office Practitioners

US company Ben & Jerry ice cream manufacturer, have pushed fun in the office to extremes. With employees looking forward to Barry Manilow or Elvis days; on which everyone is encouraged to dress as Barry or Elvis and their music is blasted through the building. There are chocolate days giving them the chance to dip…
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Humour At Work #2 - Clowning, Teasing & Satire in the Office

Humour At Work #3 – Clowning, Teasing & Satire in the Office

Ackroyd & Thompson believed the struggle for identity, is often played out through misbehaviour and joking in the work place. They identified three types of humour in work, labelling them as Clowning, Teasing and Satire in the Office. [slideshow_deploy id=’2057′] Clowning in an Office Clowning is a form of humour in which people make fools…
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Humour At Work #2 - Workplace Comedy Research

Humour At Work #2 – Workplace Comedy Research

We have seen how satire from our favourite comedians, in a newspaper or topical TV & radio shows such as: ‘That was the week that was’, ‘Spitting Image’, ‘Now Show’ and ‘Weekending’; has a way of making us laugh, because we see an element of truth in the joke. The same happens in workplace comedy, where…
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Benefits of Comedy at work

Humour At Work #1 – 8 Benefits of Comedy in the Office

The most wasted of all days is the one which you did not laugh. In many offices, pinned on noticeboards or over people’s desks, you can often read… ‘You don’t have to be mad to work here, but it helps’. It became a rather irritating cliché, put on display in several work environments, by the…
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Parody in Advertising: 5 Creative Comedy Tips

Parody in Ads: 5 Creative Advertising Comedy Tips

Parody is a well tried and tested form of humour used in many comedy sketch shows, films and indeed advertising. It is an artistic form within its self, sometimes called a spoof and has elements similar to pastiche. Parody in Advertising Parody is ‘A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an…
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John Cleese

BFI Preserves Valued Video Arts Comedy Training Short Films

Corporate training videos featuring comedians are to be preserved by the British Film Institute. Anyone who recalls being a delegate at a corporate conference in the late seventies or sitting in a bland training room in the eighties, will probably remember being exposed to at least one of John Cleese’s Video Arts training films. Such…
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Image Rights Explained: MARILYN_MONROE_IN

Image Rights Explained: Entertainers & Show Business

A very bitter John Cleese recently complained of an Australian theatre company who had a “shameless rip-off” of ‘Fawlty Towers’ using all the characters from the TV comedy in a show which has a residency in London and abroad. Although there still maybe a case of copyright infringement, Cleese may have been better off taking out…
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Image Rights Explained - Sport

Image Rights Explained: Sport Stars

So Manchester United finally got their man. Jose Mourinho becomes the clubs third manager since Alex Ferguson left at the end of 2013 season. Discussions to bring Mourinho to United took over three days, with his agent, Jorge Mendes, and United officials thrashing out a deal. So what was the hold up? The delay in…
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